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Senpai Ashton Hanna


Age 21, rank Ni-Dan with 14 years of practice my favorite kata is Sanchin.  I started karate to become engaged in a constructive curricular actvity at a young age.


I have learned that the best way to approach life is to be both strong and weak.  There are times when we must show strength and times when we must show humilty.  There are times when we must be rough, and other times we must be gentle.  


Finding a balance and knowing when to do either one is essential to living a good life.  My goal is to implement the knowledge I've been given from karate.  With this knowledge I plan to bring recognition and respect to my style, most importantly, on a local scale,

Senpai Demetris Robinson

I joined BKA at the tender age of eight. At that age Karate to me was a sport that looked different from any other sport. It was flexible in its aspects, which is great for a person like me because I get bored easily, especially at the young age of 8.  


I am 20yrs old now born on December 3rd with a 2nd Degree black belt (Ni-Dan).  In this sport I've learned many katas, but my favorite is Shisochin, four directions.


While participating in Karate I accepted the obvious advantageous bonus of physical fitness.  However, karate provides a contortive outlet and a kind and safe environment for me.  This sport also given me a tool to proctect myself.  It has given me a sense of responsibility from teaching younger kids.


Beside teaching me this sport Sensei McKinney has taught me that manners, and repect will take you a long way in life.

Edvado Wood

My reason for joining martial arts is to one day travel the world teaching honor and respect, its what martial art has taught me and the art of self control.


I've spent about 10 to 12 years in martial arts, my favorite kata is Seiyunchin

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