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Black Belts

Sensei Joy Ritchie

I began my first karate class at the age of 11, practicing Shotokan.


I practiced on and off for a few years after my first teacher left the Island. I did not consistently train until I was in my twenties.  It was at that time I began training with Sensei McKinney, who has been my instructor and mentor for 25 years.

I am not quite sure what it was that lead me to join that very first Karate class at the age of 11, but once I completed that first lesson, I was hooked.

As I matured in Karate, it changed from a sport to an art form that became a part of who I am today.   I have had the privilege to teach this art form to hundreds of students over the years and it always give me a pleasure to watch a student come to a true understanding of the movements in a kata.  

I think my favourite kata is Tensho; lt demonstrates both the intensity and finesse of Goju-Ryu Karate.

Sensei Delroy Young

I am 39 yrs old I started my training with Sensei McKinney at the age of 14 yrs old.  My initial reason for wanting to start karate was probably like many 14yr olds past and present, movies and a growing propensity for violence.  This was later calmed by rigid training that later developed a skill that I am now just realizing aided me throughout life, discipline. A bland answer to the question of, "what have I gained from karate?", dicipline is an over looked obvious in karate that lends far too many positives.

Kata, another skill, was and still is a part of the rigid training that sometimes gives insight to where the karate-ka may be in his/her training or personality depending on which kata they perfer.  There are no favorite katas for me, but what does attract me to kata depends on the stage I am in during my training.  Initially as a beginner there were no katas I was drawn to, I was simply trying to understand and take in everything as I progressed.  Moving on to my 7-6kyu I loved the rugged aggressive nature of saifa but my mood and progression as I moved up in rank took me into other directions.  Later as a 1st kyu and 1 dan my gears shifted towards sepai and now as a 2 dan I am more interested in Shisochin, simply because of it's aesthetics and how it fits my taller physique while performing it.

My goals are much like every stage I am in when training kata, constantly changing.  I feel there should never be a single goal but rather goals that constantly transform as you progress.  My initial goal as a beginner was to simply elevate in rank but that eventually changed.  My current goals are to gain as much knowledge in martial arts as possible and pass it on.  But everyone's overall transformative goals  should be the willingness to learn, unlearn and relearn. An drink a few beers in the process. 

Sensei Leonardo Jones 

A Member of thr BKF and currently a 2nd Dan Black belt in the Okinawan Goju Ryu system under the tutelage of Sensei Elrick McKinney.

I began my martial arts journey at the age of 24 with an introduction to Miyama Ryu Jiu Jitsu followed by extreme karate.  To date, my favorite Kata is Sepai.

I have found that martial arts training has assisted me in my profession as a musician, singer/songwriter, and recording engineer.  Through it, I have gained discipline, confidence, and physical strength.  Self-defence training has also been a plus.

I am the Chief Instructor of the LEAD Karate Academy a Subsidary of the BKA.  It is my goal to train, and share the knowledge I have gained with upcoming martial artists.

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