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Sensei Simone Francis - San Dan

My introduction to martial arts came at an early age watching movies and TV shows with my family.  I could remember going to the movies to watch American Shaolin and being so impressed by what was shown that I said "that's what I want to do; I want to learn to kick and flip". At the tender age of 9 my love for martial arts grew so I started my martial arts training with Sensei Elrick McKinney.  I learn a number of katas through the years and developed a love for Shisochin. 


In 2011 I attained my San Dan in Okinawan Goju Ryu.  Karate has allowed me to be more confident, discipline and focused throughout my life.  I realized as I grew older it helped me in other facets of life, I've been able to transfer that discipline and focus in my school, work and family life.


With the inspiration of Sensei McKinney and my love for karate I established a Bahamas Center for Martial Arts starting with  students ages ranging from 4 yrs and up. I am continuing my dream, and teaching other children how to be discipline and focus while learning karate.

BCMA is a subsidary of Bahamas Karate Academy.

Sensei Romel Sands - San Dan

I started Karate at the young age of 9 years old.  At that time I did not have a choice because my mother taught that the sport was great and it teaches you discipline and self control which I needed at that time. Since then I have grown from a boy to a man using the skills I've learnt from Karate in my personal and professional life.

I've travelled throughout The Bahamas and abroad to the United States, Canada and South America competing and representing the Bahamas on the national team in Argentina, El Salvador and Cuba where I was able to bring home a bronze metal from the Junior Pan American Games.


Karate is a sport where one not only learn self defense, but it develops your body and mind to become as strong as one desires.  This is why I love the sport so much. 

Jermaine J. Williams, Esq.

I started Karate at the age of 21yrs. My style of Karate is Goju-Ryu-Karate. My favorite kata is Sanchin Kata: three (3) battles - Battle of the mind, body and spirit.


My teacher - Sensei Elrick McKinney who currently serves as President & Head National Coach, of the BKF.  The BKA is a member of the Bahamas Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Kyokai, and affiliate member of the Bahamas Karate Federation (BKA) and World Karate Federation (WKF)


Initially I joined the BKA to participate in an auxiliary program for self-defence and physical fitness.  With each passing year, intimate knowledge of the art and discipline of karate, holistially enriched my mental, physical and spiritual life.

As my journey in karate continues it is my fervent hope and endeavor to establish an enrichment program for all ages, joining the ranks of helping to transfer the knowledge and life lessons of Goju-Ryu Karate throughout the Bahamas and the world at large.

Sensei Jermaine Williams

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